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∎ Libro SemiScripted A Wanderlove Novel Amanda Heger 9781682303030 Books

SemiScripted A Wanderlove Novel Amanda Heger 9781682303030 Books

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Download PDF SemiScripted A Wanderlove Novel Amanda Heger 9781682303030 Books

SemiScripted A Wanderlove Novel Amanda Heger 9781682303030 Books

Amanda Heger's characters are so real! Marisol's spunk and wit is infectious, and Evan has to be the sweetest, sexiest man in all of Los Angeles. The antics of the So Late talk show are hysterical and I couldn't wait to find out what Marisol and Evan were going to do next! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the love story between Marisol and Evan develop. Well done Ms. Heger, can't wait for your next book!

Read SemiScripted A Wanderlove Novel Amanda Heger 9781682303030 Books

Tags : Semi-Scripted: A Wanderlove Novel [Amanda Heger] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Marisol Gutierrez has come to Los Angeles with a single goal: win the prestigious grant that will save her family's struggling medical clinic back in Nicaragua. But,Amanda Heger,Semi-Scripted: A Wanderlove Novel,Diversion Books,1682303039,Romance - Contemporary,Romance - New Adult,Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.),Love stories.,Man-woman relationships,Man-woman relationships;Fiction.,Romance fiction,Television programs;Fiction.,American Contemporary Fiction - Individual Authors +,American Light Romantic Fiction,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance Multicultural & Interracial,FICTION Romance New Adult,Fiction,FictionRomance - Contemporary,FictionRomance - Multicultural & Interracial

SemiScripted A Wanderlove Novel Amanda Heger 9781682303030 Books Reviews

This story is so darn cute. This is the second book in the Wanderlove series and is Marisol's book. In this one, Marisol has traveled to L.A. to go to a public health conference, hoping to be chosen for a grant to keep her mother's foundation in Nicaragua afloat. But first, she tries to get into a game show, which leads her down a crazy path. I absolutely adored Marisol that much more than I did in Without Borders, which is definitely saying a lot. She is sweet, feisty, and has an awesome sense of humor and adventure. Her plunge into American infamy and talk shows was so entertaining to "watch" as it was unveiled.

And then there is Evan, the lowly talk-show intern from Peoria, IL that she finds herself thrown together with. He is an adorable dork that you can't help but melt for. This not-exactly-a-country-boy chasing his dream in L.A., with all of his awkwardness, was a fun match to Marisol. I adored his grandpa, as well, and laughed at most of their interactions, about as much as I was touched by them.

Speaking of laughing, this book was FUNNY. There were so many chuckle-worthy moments and the layer of silliness was seriously charming. The amusing costumed audience members that crop up really add to it as well.

I appreciated the dashes of realism in this, too, with not everything being "perfect" in the end, but it all working out anyway. What happens with the various awards, and the future of the show, and even the romance between Marisol and Evan itself. It was perfect to help convey the overall message of the story.

This was a truly fantastic rom-com! It was fast-paced, and I just couldn't put it down, eager to see how it all played out.
I loved Amanda Heger’s debut, Without Borders. It was funny, touching, and compelling, and it featured memorable characters. One of those characters was Marisol, who gets her own turn in the spotlight in Semi-Scripted.

Marisol goes to LA from Nicaragua to attend conferences and interviews in the hopes of winning a grant for her family’s clinic, which provides medical brigades into isolated parts of Nicaragua. Evan moved across the country with dreams of becoming a TV writer, but his internship at a late-night talk show involves little more than rounding up game-show rejects to fill the audience of a show whose ratings are so low, they're kept on air on a week-to-week basis. Seemingly as different as can be, Marisol and Evan have a few things in common neither of them wants to disappoint their families, and they both have big dreams that they’re willing to work hard for. Thrown together by chance and kept together by strange circumstances, the pair form a bond that slowly builds from friendship to something more.

Semi-Scripted is such a fun, different book. It had me giggling from the beginning, and it was easy to root for Marisol and Evan, both separately and as a couple. Their interactions were hilarious and adorable, and at times really touching. I loved how Evan reignited a spark in Marisol - a lust for life that she’d tucked away in her drive to help keep her family’s clinic afloat. Through adventures, strange situations, and Evan’s openness, Marisol remembers what it’s like to laugh and have fun. I loved how strong and driven both these characters were, and that they each had their own unique side stories that gave the book extra depth.

Semi-Scripted, like Without Borders, is different from anything I’ve read. This book is fun and funny, a mixture of wild scenarios and real-life emotions. Amanda Heger is definitely an author to watch. I can’t wait for more from her!

*ARC received from author in exchange for honest consideration
Just like Heger's first novel, Without Borders, this book did not disappoint. With lovable characters, plenty of laughs, and lots of heartwarming moments, Semi-Scripted was fun to read and hard to put down.
Absolutely loved this sequel to Without Borders. Heger has a fabolous sense of humor that carries through throughout the book, making it a thouroughly enjoyable read. Marisol and Evan are a delight! They felt like real people and I was invested in their success right from the first chapter. It was a fast read and one I only put down when I absolutely had to. I found myself smiling and chuckling often as a read. Truly a wonderful delight!
A wry sense of humor and quirky, relatable characters make this book an enjoyable read. Ms. Heger is excellent at putting together witty dialogue to help develop characters. Even though the book is written entirely alternating from Marisol and Evan's perspective, their interactions with the minor characters are purposeful and help develop other characters so a reader knows their perspectives on the situations (and life) as well. If you are looking for a fun, lighthearted (but full of heart) read, then pick up this book and enter into a world where love is found in the most unlikely (and awkward) of places.
Amanda Heger's characters are so real! Marisol's spunk and wit is infectious, and Evan has to be the sweetest, sexiest man in all of Los Angeles. The antics of the So Late talk show are hysterical and I couldn't wait to find out what Marisol and Evan were going to do next! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the love story between Marisol and Evan develop. Well done Ms. Heger, can't wait for your next book!
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