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[LCQ]≫ Read Gratis Starlet Man The Starlet Volume 5 Carla J Hanna Carla Hanna Books

Starlet Man The Starlet Volume 5 Carla J Hanna Carla Hanna Books

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Starlet Man The Starlet Volume 5 Carla J Hanna Carla Hanna Books

I've really enjoyed The Starlet series and really enjoyed this book as well. It gives us a deeper insight into Manny's life and made me love his character even more. I've loved seeing a "behind-the-scenes" life of those in Hollywood and this series is great at showing the good and the bad at being in the spotlight for anyone who has ever wondered.

Read Starlet Man The Starlet Volume 5 Carla J Hanna Carla Hanna Books

Tags : Starlet's Man (The Starlet) (Volume 5) (9781499368475): Carla J. Hanna, Carla Hanna: Books,Carla J. Hanna, Carla Hanna,Starlet's Man (The Starlet) (Volume 5),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,149936847X,Coming of Age,FICTION Coming of Age,Fiction,Fiction - General,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),JUVENILE FICTION Social Issues Dating & Sex

Starlet Man The Starlet Volume 5 Carla J Hanna Carla Hanna Books Reviews

[Full disclosure I received a free paperback in conjunction with the blog tour in exchange for an honest review.]

One of the things I really didn’t like about Manny in the beginning of the first book (this is a prequel) was his self-righteousness. He criticized everything about Hollywood but proceeded to act like he was a part of that culture by fooling around with different girls and such. I wasn’t really sold on him being Lia’s love interest at first but he did grow on me as the books went along. However, in this prequel we get a really good look into his mindset while he was transitioning from boy to man

In the beginning, Manny is a pretty confused young man. He sort of likes his friend Beth, who he trains with in the mornings. At the same time, Liana Marie will always hold a special place in his heart even though she seems to be in love with her current costar Evan. And all of this takes place in a catty environment where publicity is more important than doing what you actually feel like so even if he and Liana finally admitted their feelings for each other, Lia’s bosses would not be happy with her dating a no-name. This, understandably, puts Manny in a very brooding mindset and leads to some of the stupid decisions I’ve alluded to as well as some of his hypocritical self-righteousness. Do I particularly like him at this point in his life? No, but he is an interesting character and it really does make me appreciate how much he’s changed by the second and third books in the series.

My only real complaint about this prequel is that the plot is a little disjointed. Sometimes it feels like there are random scene changes that I had a hard time keeping up with and it certainly wasn’t because of formatting issues or anything like that. I think that sometimes Carla Hanna pared down her writing a little too much and should have left in some more descriptions of the different locations and the transitions between locations. It does make for a fast read but I really would have appreciated a little more description so I wouldn’t have to deal with the occasional confusion.

The plot, however, is pretty good. It starts out with Manny learning about the kerfuffle over Lia’s last movie and it goes through her filming of Constantine’s Muse and all the screwed up things that come along with it as I saw from her perspective in Starlet’s Web. Her trials and tribulations are always at the forefront of Manny’s mind but he has his own things to worry about money, Alan’s gossip blog spreading lies about his love life and his growing willingness to admit to Lia that he really does love her. It’s by no means a straightforward journey but that’s probably in part why I loved Starlet’s Man so much. Life isn’t a straightforward plot line and neither is this book. Manny has his ups and downs but finally comes through as a caring young man who is no longer the messed-up, self-righteous boy we meet in the beginning. It’s a satsifying journey.

Since this is a prequel you can absolutely read it before you read the main series but as a matter of personal preference I’d recommend reading Starlet’s Web first because I just like Liana more as a character. Manny is interesting enough and grew to be a better person, but being introduced to his self-righteous younger self so soon could turn you off a wonderful series. But if you like reading the prequels first, go ahead! This is a good book.

I give this book 4/5 stars.
{My Thoughts} – Manny, What can I say, he’s a boy after my own heart. He’s sweet, he’s considerate. He has christian values, he’s respectful and he has made his share of mistakes. He is friends with a lot of people that are much better off than he is, but he doesn’t let that get to him. He has dreams, wishful thoughts and desires just like any normal person.

Marie, she is an actress, she is a symbol for up and coming girls, she is lost and she isn’t sure which direction to turn. She is constantly being told that she should zip it and do whats asked of her, regardless how uncomfortable she is with the situation at hand.

There is also Alan, Beth, Kate, Byron, Evan and many others in this book that help to build the story into what it becomes, but the main focus is Marie and Manny.

I really enjoyed this book, I am glad that I got to read the prequel before reading the rest of the series. I always feel like the prequels are important and sometimes I wish they were written first instead of in between or after the series, but that isn’t always the case and I understand why, but it’s easier to read them in the order they are meant to be read in my opinion. I love knowing that there is always something more to a book.

This book allows the readers to get a clear understanding of Marie and Manny. It helps them to see what is going on within both their lives and why they are who they are. It helps the readers to better understand why they have made the choices in life that they have made and to see where they can go should they choose a different path. A path that isn’t the one that had been laid for them because others wanted to control every aspect of their lives, mostly just and issue for Marie. Manny seems to know what he wants and just needs to be able to get there.

This book had it’s ups and it had it’s downs, but overall it was a really nice read and I look forward to reading the remainder of the series. If there is one type of book that I enjoy more then any other it would be realistic fiction, so this one was a very enjoyable read for me!
A great read - thoroughly enjoyed.
I've really enjoyed The Starlet series and really enjoyed this book as well. It gives us a deeper insight into Manny's life and made me love his character even more. I've loved seeing a "behind-the-scenes" life of those in Hollywood and this series is great at showing the good and the bad at being in the spotlight for anyone who has ever wondered.
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